Welcome to the Q&A page about the expansion of BusinessPark 7Poort!
Our team will be happy to answer your questions and provide you with information. We understand that the expansion will have an impact and therefore wish to ensure that everyone is kept informed during this process. Below, you will find the most frequently asked questions about the expansion of BusinessPark 7Poort.
- Why does the business park need to be expanded?
Research has shown that businesses need more plots. In addition, BusinessPark 7Poort is almost full and no plots are available on other business parks in Zevenaar. - Is there sufficient demand for these new plots?
Research and the current demand show that this is the case. In addition, the site will be developed in phases. - There are still plots for sale on BusinessPark 7Poort, so why do we need more?
These plots have already been sold, but not yet built on. A few small plots are still available, but these are not suitable for all companies. For example, this may be due to the size of the plot and/or maximum business category. - Will this expansion also create employment opportunities for Zevenaar and the surrounding area?
Yes. Based on the scope of the expansion of BusinessPark 7Poort 2, we expect to add about 1000 jobs. - How large an area does the plan cover?
The planning area is approximately 65 hectares. 36 hectares of this is for company plots, with the remaining hectares for greenery, roads, cycle paths and footpaths.
- What is the distance from the companies to the homes?
The distance from the Sleeg to the companies is approximately 450 metres. The distance to the (yet to be developed) homes at Groot Holthuizen is about 350 metres. For the expansion of Groot Holthuizen, the distance cannot yet be determined. - How wide is the new access road on the south side?
The road, including the verges, will be about 50 metres wide. This is slightly wider than the current main access road of BusinessPark 7Poort. - How wide is the green zone for residential construction and how will this be laid out?
On average, the green zone for residential construction will be 70 metres wide. The design will be elaborated during the development of the homes. The intention is to create a dense green zone with a lot of trees, forming a robust partition between the residential and working areas. The minimum distance between the residential area and the plots of the business park is about 120 metres. For comparison, at Landeweer (at the Bem) the distance between the business plots and residential plots is currently 60 metres. At the Holtkamp, this is about 100 metres. - How high will the buildings be?
The maximum building height varies from 16 metres along the A12 to 14 metres on the south side of the plan area. With authorisation for deviations within the plan, a higher building height of up to 18 metres is possible in the zone along the A12. - What will my view look like?
This is still difficult to indicate because there are no building plans yet. However, impressions of how it might look from the road have been drawn up. These impressions are shown at the bottom of this page. - What will the buildings look like? Are there any conditions attached?
An image quality plan has been drawn up which includes requirements that the buildings must satisfy. Conditions regarding the height and surface area are also included in the zoning plan. - Will the properties be visible from my plot?
See the answer to question 10. - Why are the small plots (low buildings) in the middle of the plan rather than at the edge?
Having the larger buildings at the edge creates a calmer look and feel than when smaller companies are placed at the edge of the business park.
- What types of businesses will there be?
The business park will be similar to the current BusinessPark 7Poort, focusing on companies in the manufacturing industry, logistics and (mixed) local companies. For the types of businesses, see the list of companies. This list has been attached to the zoning plan as an appendix. - Which company categories are allowed? And what kinds of businesses do these include?
From environmental category 2 to a maximum of 4.2. The permitted companies are included in the list of companies. - Are the company categories comparable to those of the existing BusinessPark 7Poort?
Yes, the company categories are indeed comparable to those of the existing BusinessPark 7Poort. - What is the maximum permitted business category and where can it be located on BusinessPark 7Poort 2?
The maximum permitted category is 4.2. This will be located at the pond and at the access to the business park. The rest is a maximum of 4.1 or a maximum of 2 at the plots near the motorway. - What are examples of companies in the maximum permitted business category?
There is currently no example of a company with a maximum permitted business category in Zevenaar. For examples of companies with a maximum permitted business category, you can view the list of business activities at the bottom of this page.
- How will the access/roads be sorted out?
The 7Poort road will be extended. From the last roundabout, the road will be extended to the south and will run along the Landeweerdijk. This access road will also be used to provide access to future residential areas. In addition, various roads are being built within the business park. - Will there be a separate bicycle and pedestrian route on the business park?
Yes, this will run diagonally through the business park and will be connected to the existing bicycle routes. In the further development of the design, separate bicycle facilities are expected to be created in several places. - Can I walk in the green zone of the business park and how can I get there from the surrounding area?
Yes, although the green area has yet to be designed. As a result, the exact routes are not yet known. The plan aims to link the green areas within BusinessPark 7Poort and the residential area, to offer an attractive path structure and environment. - Will the plan go ahead even if the extension of the A15 and widening of the A12 do not take place?
The construction and maintenance of the entrance and exit to the A12 motorwayat BusinessPark 7Poort is a prerequisite for the development of the site. - Will the outlet also be located here?
No, the Fashion Outlet Zevenaar will be built on the current BusinessPark 7Poort 1, next to Liemers College and the supermarket.
- Can sufficient power be supplied?
At the moment, there is so-called network congestion and insufficient capacity can be offered for the expansion of BusinessPark 7Poort. We are therefore in consultation with Liander, among other parties, to investigate how we can supply sufficient power to the future companies at BusinessPark 7Poort. - When will the preparation of the work (preparation for construction) start?
This depends on the land acquisition, the zoning procedure and the sale of the plots. We expect this to happen in 2026 at the earliest. If there is an appeal procedure, we expect to start in 2027 at the earliest.
- To what extent can the zoning plan still be modified?
Due to objections (appeal procedure), the zoning plan may still be modified. The spatial design may still be changed in the further elaboration, among other things as a result of ongoing or further investigations.
- Are there any unusual animals in the area?
Based on the QuickScan, the presence of a number of protected species and/or groups of species cannot be excluded. Further research is therefore being carried out. An assessment will then be carried out to determine whether these groups of species are actually present, whether negative effects can be excluded and which measures are necessary. - Will there also be wind turbines?
- No, the zoning plan does not allow wind turbines. If this is desirable in the future, a new procedure must be followed for this.

Click here for an overview of the list of business activities.
If your question is not listed, please feel free to contact us.