Education & the labour market

De Liemers has a population of around 100,000 people, spread over numerous towns and villages. This is a region with a no-nonsense work ethic. Employees are loyal to their company and irregular hours are easily filled by part-time workers who are happy to work flexibly. Arnhem, the capital of the province of Gelderland, is just a short distance away. A portion of Arnhem’s working population is employed at companies in De Liemers, in the fields of both logistics and manufacturing.

Cooperation between education and businesses

In the region of De Liemers businesses, educational institutions and public authorities work together closely. BusinessPark 7Poort is home to one of the sites of Liemers College. Which offers pre-vocational secondary education in areas including transport and logistics and vehicle technology. Options for senior secondary vocational education and higher vocational education are, of course, also available in the region. One institution offering such courses is HAN University of Applied Sciences, which has a chair in logistics and is the location of one of the Netherlands’ six Knowledge Distribution Centres.

De Liemers Logistics Expertise Centre

Logistics Valley is made up of three cooperating regions: Rivierenland, Nijmegen (including Arnhem) and De Liemers. A Logistics Expertise Centre or Hotspot is active in each of these regions. This expertise centre fulfils a networking and promotional function for the logistics sector and acts as a platform for logistics-related education and the logistics labour market.

More information

Are you interested in finding out about how you could benefit from the labour market and vocational education institutions in Zevenaar and the surrounding area? If so, please contact us for further information.