All companies based at BusinessPark 7Poort have access to a range of facilities, both on the business park itself and in Zevenaar and the surrounding area.

The boiler room of a biomass plant that supplies the adjacent residential district of Groot Holthuizen with hot water and heating, with the help of a wood-fired boiler, is located at BusinessPark 7Poort (Exa 30). We are looking into whether this plant could also be used to supply sustainable heat to (new) businesses based at BusinessPark 7Poort. For more information please contact Ennatuurlijk and
Fibre connection
BusinessPark 7Poort has benefited from a fibre connection since October 2017. Are you interested in making use of this? If so, please contact Kremer Installatietechniek on +31 (0)314 675 050.
Central fire-fighting-water installation

BusinessPark 7Poort has a central fire-fighting-water installation (CBV) on the site. You can connect your sprinkler system to this against payment of an annual fee, helping you save space and avoid the costs of installing such a facility on your own plot. Please read the 7Poort CBV Technical Bulletin [in Dutch] for more information.
Park management
In 2009, at the initiative of the municipal authority, Lindus (the association of De Liemer entrepreneurs) and individual businesses, the cooperative association 7Poort was set up, which is also referred to as Park Management. This association takes care of the day-to-day management of BusinessPark 7Poort and is responsible in particular for security, signposting and green-space maintenance.
Become a member
As a member of the association you enter into cooperation agreements with the municipal authority when the land is allocated. You will enjoy the benefits of participating in the park management package, will have a say on park management matters and will be able to raise issues. For more information about park management please go to